Reduced Port Ball Valve
Reduced Port Ball Valve is a valve with closed components to control flow. The flow area of the opening of the closing element is less than that of the inner diameter of the pipeline. The main purpose of Reduced Port Ball Valve is to control the flow through reducing or closing the flow. It is equal to adjusting the closing element so that the valve can provide
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different flow at a certain opening.
Reduced Port Ball Valve
Diameter (or diameter) is the general diameter of all kinds of pipes and pipeline accessories. Pipes and pipe accessories of the same diameter can be interconnected and interchangeable. It is not the actual outside diameter or inside diameter of the pipeline, although its value is close to or equal to the inside diameter of the pipeline.
Reduced Port Ball Valve is a valve with closed components to control flow. The flow area of the opening of the closing element is less than that of the inner diameter of the pipeline. The main purpose of reducing ball valve is to control the flow through reducing or closing the flow. It is equal to adjusting the closing element so that the valve can provide different flow at a certain opening.
The biggest difference between full-bore ball valve and Reduced Port Ball Valve is that the full-bore ball valve is an equal-width runner, its size can not be less than the standard value, approximately the same as the nominal diameter of the specification, such as DN50 full-bore ball valve runner diameter is about 50 mm; the inlet of the Reduced Port Ball Valve runner is wider than the runner diameter, the actual diameter of the runner is roughly larger than that of the specification. A small size, such as DN50 Reduced Port Ball Valve flow to about 38, roughly the same as DN40 specifications.